Author: Nemo


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

by Koji Kondo Considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all time.  This title brought several innovations to gaming – Z-targeting being the most memorable to me.  When it came out, it was hard to find.  Since...


Starfox 64

by Koji Kondo This was the first game I bought for the N64 – partly because it included a Rumble Pak.  It was instantly one of my favorites.  In my opinion, it was the best Starfox game of them all.  This...


Donkey Kong Country

by David Wise I was wowed by the graphics of this title when I first played it.  It was by far one of the best looking games of its time.  There was plenty of quality play to back it up...



by Hajime Hirasawa Starfox is certainly best known for its ushering in of the 3D era for consoles with its SuperFX co-processor.  I enjoyed the game quite a bit.  I enjoyed its remake on the N64 even more.


You’re Under Arrest

This is another series that I have not actually interacted with beyond making a wallpaper.  I might check into it one day.  This is an older wallpaper – formatted in 1024 x 768.


Sister Princess

I have not interacted with this series in any way besides the one wallpaper I made.  I may look into it one day.  This is an older Kalisto wallpaper, so its only available in 1024 x 768.


Final Fantasy VII

Like many that owned Sony’s first PlayStation console, I played the hell out of Final Fantasy VII.  This was a great game, and a great technical achievement of the time.  That said, I think the game’s hype overshadowed its quality....



This was an interesting series.  That persistent count-down of days until Mahoro’s shut-down was kinda of a downer though.  The ending being rather bittersweet.  I didn’t really feel the OVA though.  An enjoyable series nonetheless.  Like all of Kalisto wallpapers,...


Secret of Evermore Soundtrack

by Jeremy Soule Jeremy Soule – yes, the guy most known for scoring several Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim) started out on a quirky SNES action RPG from Squaresoft…  I only played this game a few times (rental)...


Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Soundtrack

by Yasunori Shiono Another SNES SPC-to-MP3 conversion.  My brother and I spent a bit of time on this one as well.  While I liked both SNES Lufia games, I preferred this one.  This one didn’t seem slow like the first...